MS 1043, Deuteronomy 28:25 to 31:28
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MS 1043, Deuteronomy 28:25 to 31:28
This fragment originates from a Tunisian Synagogue. It is written in a beautiful North African hand. The fragment is not as old as portrayed, as evidenced by the condition of both the gevil and writing. Although the panel was damaged by liquid, the ink remains jet black without any flaking or peeling. Likewise, the very fine and beautiful crownlets remain visible without any indication of fading. The parchment, however, has dried, with only some of the sections retaining some of its original moisture and softness. The parchment’s coloring is a rich golden brown tan that is typical of Tunisian scrolls.
This scroll consists of two full Yeriot (sheets of parchment) containing a total of six columns of text. The scroll is formatted to contain 51 lines per column. Likewise, it follows the tradition of starting the writing of each column with a letter VAV (Amudei Vav). The Sephardic hand also incorporates the use of newer elements such as letter CHETs with pitched roofs and YODs with the KOTZ of Rabenu Tam. Featured in the text are the large LAMED of Vayashlikhem and dots placed over the words "LANU ULVANENU AD OLAM."
This scroll consists of two full Yeriot (sheets of parchment) containing a total of six columns of text. The scroll is formatted to contain 51 lines per column. Likewise, it follows the tradition of starting the writing of each column with a letter VAV (Amudei Vav). The Sephardic hand also incorporates the use of newer elements such as letter CHETs with pitched roofs and YODs with the KOTZ of Rabenu Tam. Featured in the text are the large LAMED of Vayashlikhem and dots placed over the words "LANU ULVANENU AD OLAM."
Howard B. singer
Claimed Age: 130 years.
29" x 20"
Not to transcribe
Text Item Type Metadata
Original Format
scroll, Gevil parchment
Howard B. singer, “MS 1043, Deuteronomy 28:25 to 31:28,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 3, 2025,