Letter from Isaac Reynolds, Field Secretary for the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), regarding a hearing to take place as soon as possible about "an attempt to create strife and turmoil within the chapter."
Message from Isaac Reynolds, Field Secretary for the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), communicating information regarding the situation in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Reynolds encourages CORE members to communicate with the…
Letter from Isaac Reynolds in response to Ambrose Brodus, Jr.'s letter to Will Ussery. Reynolds informs Brodus that the Western Regional Office is addressing his complaint and that Lou Smith will visit San Diego for the upcoming weekend.
Letter from J. McCain of the organization department to George Wiley regarding the responsibilities of the secretary of the organization department. A positive evaluation of Maxine is provided at the bottom of the page.
Telegram from the Congress of Racial Equality's director, James Farmer, encouraging Harold Brown to communicate with his local representatives about the importance of the Civil Rights Bill.
Letter from James Farmer, Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), to all members encouraging them to support the "Ryan Fairness Resolution." The resolution requests that the regular Mississippi delegation not be seated until the challenge…
Telegram relaying information about events in Bogalusa, Louisiana and encouraging Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters to protest in their cities. The message shares that hundreds of KKK members interrupted the protests in Bogalusa and…
A paper written by James Farmer, National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), suggesting means for the organization to grow in the future, with an emphasis on achieving greater political power via the National CORE Political Action…