Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Field report addressing the Ohio Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) activities of the end of 1964, a financial summary, and a projected plan for the beginning of 1965.

Letter from J. McCain of the organization department to George Wiley regarding the responsibilities of the secretary of the organization department. A positive evaluation of Maxine is provided at the bottom of the page.

Draft of a report regarding San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and its actions against the Bank of America over the course of the summer of 1964.

Memorandum of understanding between the Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) of California and the Bank of America. The two entities agreed that personnel data would be submitted to FEPC every four months, continuing review and consultation,…

News release regarding the Fair Employment Practices Commission's (FEPC) second report on Bank of America's hiring practices. The report indicates progress in hiring increased quantities of minority employees from August to November of 1964.

The addresses and phone numbers for Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Fresno, and San Diego.

Bound edition of the Fair Employment Practices Commission's (FEPC) first report regarding Bank of America's hiring practices. The report presents personnel data and provides an overview of policy implementation.

The second report produced by the California Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) which presents information regarding Bank of America's progress towards equal employment opportunities.

News release announcing "temporary suspension of all direct action against the Bank of America." This is a result of an agreement to confer and negotiate with the bank. Some of CORE's requests are listed.

Handwritten essay titled "Community Involvement" in which CORE's work is discussed, including how to define "community involvement," establishing a network of communication, the importance of working with individuals, community outreach, and…
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