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  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Financial report for the second half of 1964 in Mississippi. The report states that the project has a deficit of $13,929.46 and CORE itself owed $181,000.

Telegram from the Congress of Racial Equality's director, James Farmer, encouraging Harold Brown to communicate with his local representatives about the importance of the Civil Rights Bill.

Congressman Bob Wilson's response to Harold Brown's letter encouraging him to vote to pass the Civil Rights Bill.

Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin's written confirmation that he is supporting the Civil Rights Bill in the House of Representatives.

Telegram from Chet Duncan reminding California Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) members to congratulate their congressmen on the passage of the Civil Rights Bill.

Letter from Alpha Montgomery, member of the California State Advisory Committee, thanking Harold Brown for agreeing to speak to the committee about Civil Rights and informing him about the details of the engagement.

Letter from Mary Hernandez, the Shop Steward of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), informing James McCain that the process of relieving Allan Hoffman from his duties has prompted a grievance.

Telegram from Val Coleman, Community Relations Officer for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), sharing information regarding Dick Gregory's visit to San Diego.

Letter from F. B. McKissick, Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), encloses meeting minutes and a copy of an organizational chart. He also sends notice that the next National Action Council (NAC) meeting will only be open to members,…

Harold Brown writes to inform Marvin Rich that he will not request an apology or retraction for Dick Gregory's statements as requested by Samuel N. Hecsh and that the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality's opinions on the matter differ.
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