Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Information from Carl Rachlin, General Counsel to Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), regarding hotel reservations for a CORE Legal Conference.

The itinerary for the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) Legal Conference. There were five sessions over the course of the conference, and one informal dinner.

Letter of invitation from Carl Rachlin for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Legal Conference.

Letter from Carol Ruth Silver, Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) Committee for District of Columbia Home Rule, encouraging members of CORE to support Home Rule in Washington, D. C.. She encloses a list of the members of the House…

Letter from Harold Brown to the Chief of the San Diego Police Department regarding the the actions of the law enforcement officers in San Diego.

Letter from Isaac Reynolds, Field Secretary for the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), regarding a hearing to take place as soon as possible about "an attempt to create strife and turmoil within the chapter."

Telegram relaying information about events in Bogalusa, Louisiana and encouraging Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters to protest in their cities. The message shares that hundreds of KKK members interrupted the protests in Bogalusa and…

Message from Isaac Reynolds, Field Secretary for the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), communicating information regarding the situation in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Reynolds encourages CORE members to communicate with the…

Letter from the Assistant Attorney General John Doar in response to Harold Brown's request for federal protection in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Doar informs Brown that "there is no evidence that local officials are unable to maintain law and order" in…
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