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  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

News article published by an unidentified press regarding Vivian Hallinan, her sons, and one son's girlfriend. The four, along with twenty-one others, were given jail time after participating in Civil Rights sit-in demonstrations. A small piece about…

Ginger writes Harold Brown and encloses a magazine he may have been looking for and some copies of a project she is working on.

Letter from James Freeman, inquiring about instances when "White Americans can come to Mexico . . . and be able to tell Mexican citizen's they have to discriminate against American Negro's." He does not expect the American Consul in Tijuana, Baja…

A proposal from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) requesting funds from local and federal government agencies to create Black owned and controlled economic institutions in Cleveland. These institutions included the CORE Enterprise Corporation (a…

A paper written by James Farmer, National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), suggesting means for the organization to grow in the future, with an emphasis on achieving greater political power via the National CORE Political Action…

Issue of the bimonthly newsletter “CORE-Lator” published by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Articles cover topics such as the statewide California action campaign against Bank of America’s discriminatory hiring practices, and the…

The San Diego Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) proposal for a project intended to foster "leadership, cohesion, community strength, pride and effectiveness in the Southeast Area of San Diego."

Resolution by the Board of Directors of Self-Help Through Neighborhood Leadership, Inc. in recognition of his efforts as Executive Director of the program.

Meeting minutes from a National Action Council meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. The purpose of the meeting was to "work out the formal organization of the NAC and certain internal problems facing the national organization."

Minutes from the National Action Council (NAC) meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. The meeting was limited to discussions of planning and programming, but also included a powerful resolution by Will Ussery.
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