Meeting minutes from the Steering Committee, particularly addressing charges brought against Gordon Carey. The report, submitted by Bob Curvin, is attached to the minutes.
Meeting minutes for the National Action Council's (NAC) steering committee meeting. Topics of discussion included programming for Mississippi, the direction of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and various projects in the north, as well as…
The last page of a letter sent by Shirley Mesher, responsible for public relations and fundraising for the Western Regional Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Her post postscript notes that she has enclosed a "suggested chapter committee…
Meeting minutes from the National Action Council (NAC) meeting held in Nyack, New York. Notable items include the discussion regarding the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) direction, reports from committees, and the establishment of a political…
Meeting minutes from the National Action Council (NAC) meeting following James Farmer's trip to Africa in January 1965. Other NAC business discussed includes affiliation with various groups, fundraising practices, and the suspension of New York CORE.
The Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) Director of Organization, James McCain, writes to all chapters requesting that they submit a survey and questionnaire about local schools.
William Higgs, the attorney for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, writes to urge Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters to oppose the nomination of J. P. Coleman for a circuit court judgeship.