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  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Telegram from Val Coleman, Community Relations Officer for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), sharing information regarding Dick Gregory's visit to San Diego.

A proposal from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) requesting funds from local and federal government agencies to create Black owned and controlled economic institutions in Cleveland. These institutions included the CORE Enterprise Corporation (a…

Report from Wilfred Ussery about the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). He explains that most programs in the West are a "result of chapters pursuing or implementing programs they develop," and he lists staff members…

Addition to the report from the Western Regional Office in January, which includes budget information, office expenses, a projection, and recommendations.

William Higgs, the attorney for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, writes to urge Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters to oppose the nomination of J. P. Coleman for a circuit court judgeship.

Part 1/2 of a booklet produced after three San Diego news stations co-produced a discussion of local racial issues. The broadcast aired one week after San Diego's vocal response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles and featured nine panel members.

Part 2/2 of a booklet produced after three San Diego news stations co-produced a discussion of local racial issues. The broadcast aired one week after San Diego's vocal response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles and featured nine panel members.

KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. Program was a listener call-in format with the topic of discussion "The White Backlash."

Two individuals engage in physical contact above a row of seated men with linked arms at a demonstration for civil rights in San Diego.

KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" co-hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. The program format was initial comment by the co-hosts followed by listener call-in questions and comments. The program topic was "Integration."
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