Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

A man reads a statement from a paper into multiple microphones.

A woman holding a sign which reads: "We save here, we want to work here" at a Bank of America protest in Downtown San Diego.

A copy of the landmark bill H.R. 7152, stamped by Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin. This bill became the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Biography detailing Harold Brown's civil rights background, education, and experiences at San Diego State University.

Brief biography of Harold Brown's business experience.

Typed draft of a biography of Harold Brown. Edits and annotations are marked in blue ink.

Statement addressing the reasons why the Bank of America demonstrations were held, and the reasons why the Civil Rights Movement was so important.

Brown's request to the probation officer Mrs. Gell that "the CORE defendants be given complete suspension of sentence on the grounds that a moral wrong has been corrected as a result of the action taken by CORE, and as a recognition that the burden…

Brief article from The New York Times regarding the convicted men responsible for the bombings of three homes in McComb, Mississippi.
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