Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Photocopy of a handwritten list of employment statistics.

Photocopy of notes about specific people and the San Diego Zoo's hiring statistics.

Photocopy of handwritten list and presumable agenda.

Letter from Marvin Rich thanking Harold Brown for sending him information about a potential demonstration at the San Diego Zoo.

Photocopy of a note about John Brown, employee of the San Diego Zoo.

Draft of a letter from Harold Brown with a list of fifteen questions for the Director and Personnel Officer of the San Diego Zoo.

Handwritten notes about employees of the San Diego Zoo and their working conditions.

Agreement between the San Diego Zoo and its union that workers in certain jobs receive specific guarantees, as listed in the agreement.

Letter from Harold Brown informing Carrol Waymon that if there is no word as to the resolution of the issues with the San Diego Zoo in one week's time, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) will pursue direct action against the Zoo.

Letter from Harold Brown detailing the "crisis" occurring within the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapter. Brown describes a split in the chapter caused by Socialist Workers Party members and a suspected Communist Party member…
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