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  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Three people behind a desk at a sit-in at San Diego Gas & Electric.

Fact sheet about the Socialist Workers Party's "aims, goals, tactics, and strategy." Most of the list is provided as quotes, and several books are identified as sources.

Meeting minutes from the special Steering Committee meeting held to determine the state of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

Young men watching the protest at the Bank of America in Downtown San Diego.

Spectators stand by at a Bank of America protest in Downtown San Diego. Many are smiling and one is holding a camera.

Statement addressing the reasons why the Bank of America demonstrations were held, and the reasons why the Civil Rights Movement was so important.

Brown's request to the probation officer Mrs. Gell that "the CORE defendants be given complete suspension of sentence on the grounds that a moral wrong has been corrected as a result of the action taken by CORE, and as a recognition that the burden…

Telegram from Chet Duncan reminding California Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) members to congratulate their congressmen on the passage of the Civil Rights Bill.

Message from Isaac Reynolds, Field Secretary for the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), communicating information regarding the situation in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Reynolds encourages CORE members to communicate with the…
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