Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Meeting minutes from the Steering Committee, particularly addressing charges brought against Gordon Carey. The report, submitted by Bob Curvin, is attached to the minutes.

Two individuals engage in physical contact above a row of seated men with linked arms at a demonstration for civil rights in San Diego.

The itinerary for the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) Legal Conference. There were five sessions over the course of the conference, and one informal dinner.

Chart depicting the number of people newly registered to vote in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Virginia from 1963 to 1964.

Issue of the bimonthly newsletter “CORE-Lator” published by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Articles cover topics such as the statewide California action campaign against Bank of America’s discriminatory hiring practices, and the…

Single page with quoted information about Mississippi. Sources include the Mississippi State Constitution, The New York Times, and a Mississipppi Senator. 

Crowd amassed outside of Farley's drug store, across the street from the Bank of America, on Broadway in Downtown San Diego.

Protesters sitting on Broadway in front of the Bank of America.

List of eight complaints and a request that the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) be placed in receivership by the National Action Council (NAC). Most complaints are against actions taken by Harold Brown, Chairman of the chapter.
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