Browse Items (270 total)

  • Collection: The Harold K. Brown Civil Rights Collection

Memorandum from George Wiley regarding the recent workshop for the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) southern staff. Topics discussed include fiscal control, community organization, and the Mississippi Summer Project.

Message from George Wiley, Associate National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), informing all chapters of the continued importance of changing the Mississippi congressional situation.

Memorandum from George Wiley sharing the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) organizational report. He provides a list of all documents enclosed but this memorandum has been separated from its enclosures.

Ginger writes Harold Brown and encloses a magazine he may have been looking for and some copies of a project she is working on.

Brown's request to the probation officer Mrs. Gell that "the CORE defendants be given complete suspension of sentence on the grounds that a moral wrong has been corrected as a result of the action taken by CORE, and as a recognition that the burden…

Statement addressing the reasons why the Bank of America demonstrations were held, and the reasons why the Civil Rights Movement was so important.

A draft of an essay or speech written by Harold Brown in red ink to announce California CORE chapters' unification to negotiate for increased rights.

Handwritten essay titled "Community Involvement" in which CORE's work is discussed, including how to define "community involvement," establishing a network of communication, the importance of working with individuals, community outreach, and…

Harold Brown writes to inform Marvin Rich that he will not request an apology or retraction for Dick Gregory's statements as requested by Samuel N. Hecsh and that the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality's opinions on the matter differ.
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