Universe of Stone shows that the Gothic cathedrals encode a far-reaching shift in the way medieval thinkers perceived their relationship with their world. For the first time, they began to believe in an orderly, rational world that could be…
"Of all the world's early civilizations, it was that of ancient Egypt that fostered the closest relationship with the animal world. All aspects of life, both secular and sacred, gave prominent place to man's involvement with living creatures of every…
Traces the life of first-century Greek philosopher Posidonius, chronicling his adventures throughout the Celtic lands of ancient Gaul while explaining how he informed Rome about such aspects of Celtic culture as the druids, astrology, and human…
"The gnostic writings found at Nag Hammadi have stimulated much controversy about the relationship between early Christians and the diverse religious movement of the first three centuries. Perkins fills the New Testament student's need for a guide to…
Probes the history, origins, and purpose of the pyramids in the Valley of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, with emphasis on the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City. Recounts the history of these structures from their…
This book represents the first wide-scale presentation and interpretation of pre-kabbalistic, Jewish mysticism. This is the Kekhalot or Merkavah mysticism. The emphasis is on the conceptions of God, the angels and man that the texts provide and that…
"Rudolf II-Habsburg heir, Holy Roman Emperor, king of Hungary, Germany, and the Romans-is one of history's great characters, and yet he remains largely an unknown figure. His reign (1576-1612) roughly mirrored that of Queen Elizabeth I of England,…