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Legends of the Jews is a most remarkable and comprehensive compilation of stories connected to the Hebrew Bible. It is an indispensable reference on that body of literature known as Midrash, the imaginative retelling and elaboration on Bible stories…

Legends of the Jews is a most remarkable and comprehensive compilation of stories connected to the Hebrew Bible. It is an indispensable reference on that body of literature known as Midrash, the imaginative retelling and elaboration on Bible stories…

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Traces the use of geometric signs by the Nabis and other French artists and relates this to the development of abstraction. The author describes some of the sources of ideas about the symbolism of geometric signs, in particular the writings of…

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News release announcing "temporary suspension of all direct action against the Bank of America." This is a result of an agreement to confer and negotiate with the bank. Some of CORE's requests are listed.

Letter from Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin congratulating Harold Brown on becoming a commissioner for the County Economic Commission.

Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin's written confirmation that he is supporting the Civil Rights Bill in the House of Representatives.
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