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"Christoph Riedweg's book is an introduction to the fundamental contributions of Pythagoras to the establishment of European culture. To penetrate the intricate maze of lore and ascertain what history can tell us about the philosopher, Riedweg not…

"Being a photographic facsimile of the ninth section of the 1687 edition of [the author's] the History of philosophy."

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This title examines the Pythagorean idea that number is the key to understanding reality, describing first the Pythagorean interests of Platonists in the second and third centuries and then Iamblichus's programme to Pythagoreanize Platonism in the…

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In ancient tradition, Pythagoras emerges as a wise teacher, an outstanding mathematician, an influential politician, and as a religious and ethical reformer. This volume offers a study of Pythagoras, Pythagoreanism, and the early Pythagoreans through…

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Newly translated from the Greek paraphrase of Proclus, with a preface, explanatory notes, and an appendix containing extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy and the whole of his Centiloquy, together with a short notice of Mr. Ranger's zodiacal…
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