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The story of how the science of medieval Islam preserved and enhanced the knowledge acquired from Greece, Mesopotamia, India, and China during Europe's Dark Ages, and how that knowledge later influenced Western thinkers and contributed to the…

Letter from the Assistant Attorney General John Doar in response to Harold Brown's request for federal protection in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Doar informs Brown that "there is no evidence that local officials are unable to maintain law and order" in…

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"The Heirs of Plato is the first book exclusively devoted to an in-depth study of the various directions in philosophy taken by Plato's followers in the first seventy years or so following his death in 347 B.C. - the period generally known as 'The…

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"The study of Protestant spirituality in the early modern period has generally focused on Puritans and Pietists. The tradition of the Slavic Reformation that culminated with John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) has been largely ignored. This volume seeks…

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"Reportedly, the prophet Muhammad told his followers that after he was gone prophecy would come only through "true dreams." Based on this and other statements, early Muslims created what might be called a theology of dreams. Dreams were regarded as…
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