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Paracelsus is regarded as one of the great medical innovators of all time, as a prototype of Goethe's Faust and as a founder of German Renaissance nature philosophy. Recently, his role in the popular "radical Reformation" that coincided with but went…

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This collection is about Paracelsus and the wide range of issues he explored, and ones taken up by many who were directly or indirectly affected by the same mental universe that sustained his thought and writings. This volume includes strong…

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Study of the myth of Pandora, its representation in art, and its mythological and religious significance.

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Explores the faith and the crucial role it played in the artistic creations of some of the participants in America's first major artistic movement.

Photocopy of a page from the 10th Report on Un-American Activities in California. A paragraph about John W. Porter is marked.
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