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This volume is a critical study of the mystical celebration of the Sabbath in the classical period of the Kabbalah, from the late 12th to the early 16th century.

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This long-awaited, magisterial study-an unparalleled blend of philosophy, poetry, and philology-draws on theories of sexuality, phenomenology, comparative religion, philological writings on Kabbalah, Russian formalism, Wittgenstein, Rosenzweig,…

Simplicius' On Aristotle's "On the Soul 1.1-2.4" is a major source for late Neoplatonist theories of thought and sense perception and offers considerable insight into an important area of Aristotelian philosophy. The present volume is the only…

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"Simplicius, the greatest surviving ancient authority on Aristotle's Physics, lived in the sixth century A.D. He produced detailed commentaries on several of Aristotle's works. Those on the Physics, which alone come to over 1,300 pages in the…
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