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Handwritten essay titled "Community Involvement" in which CORE's work is discussed, including how to define "community involvement," establishing a network of communication, the importance of working with individuals, community outreach, and…

A draft of an essay or speech written by Harold Brown in red ink to announce California CORE chapters' unification to negotiate for increased rights.

This is an essay or speech written by Harold Brown to announce the establishment of a state-wide negotiating committee for all CORE chapters across California in an effort to increase the volume of its message.

Statement addressing the reasons why the Bank of America demonstrations were held, and the reasons why the Civil Rights Movement was so important.

Brown's request to the probation officer Mrs. Gell that "the CORE defendants be given complete suspension of sentence on the grounds that a moral wrong has been corrected as a result of the action taken by CORE, and as a recognition that the burden…

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One of this century's most important philosophers here focuses on Plato's Protagoras, Phaedo, Republic, and Philebus and on Aristotle's three moral treatises to show the essential continuity of Platonic and Aristotelian reflection on the nature of…
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