Letter from Harold Brown detailing the "crisis" occurring within the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapter. Brown describes a split in the chapter caused by Socialist Workers Party members and a suspected Communist Party member…
Letter from Harold Brown in response to the letter sent to Dr. Fetter at the San Diego Zoo and thanking him for helping to secure a meeting that the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) has been trying to have for the previous six months. He also…
Letter from Harold Brown informing Carrol Waymon that if there is no word as to the resolution of the issues with the San Diego Zoo in one week's time, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) will pursue direct action against the Zoo.
Letter from Harold Brown requesting again to meet with C. R. Schroeder and other Zoo administrators "concerning the exclusion of Negroes in practically all of your job categories except that defined as custodian and groundsmen, and the conditions…
Letter from Harold Brown and Mardell Jackson including an up-to-date list of San Diego Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) officers, executive board, and active members. However, this document is missing the list of active members.
Harold Brown writes to inform Marvin Rich that he will not request an apology or retraction for Dick Gregory's statements as requested by Samuel N. Hecsh and that the San Diego Congress of Racial Equality's opinions on the matter differ.