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A 13th century Cabbalistic text; first appearing in Spain, its author claimed that it was the work of an ancient writer, from the school of Rabbi Shim'on of Yohai. Current scholarship suggests that Zohar may actually be the work of a 13th century…

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Preceded by a letter from Adolphe Franck ... and a study by Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, and containing new texts by Lenain, Eliphas Levi, Stanislas de Guaita, Dr. Mark Haven, Sedir, J. Jacob, and a complete translation of the Sepher Yetzirah; followed by…

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This book had its origin in a series of lectures delivered in the spring of 1965 at a number of universities and colleges in the United States and Canada. For publication, the lectures have been completely revised and considerably expanded.…

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A world-renowned scholar of religion and bestselling author of "The Gnostic Gospels, Beyond Belief," and" Reading Judas" explores the strangest and most controversial book in the Bible: the Book of Revelation.
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