Browse Items (3045 total)

Letter from C. A. Shattuck, store manager of a San Diego Montgomery Ward store, who writes to confirm a meeting.

Handwritten list of things to do or request be done by Montgomery Ward in San Diego.

Chart of racial demographics by position level at Montgomery Ward stores in San Diego.

Photocopied handwritten list of accusations against Montgomery Ward.

Twelve suggestions for Montgomery Ward proposed by San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) with annotations.

Photocopy of handwritten notes on an index card regarding racial demographics and a "McBride report."

News release about the agreement between Northern California Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters and Montgomery Ward for stores in San Diego.

Report by Task Force Workers and the Field Secretary for the San Francisco Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) about the National Republican Convention. A list of events on each of the six days is provided as well as visual aids.

Report from the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) National Republican Convention project, listing daily events.

News release announcing that James Farmer "will personally present CORE's demands to the Republican Party Platform and Credentials Committees." The demands are listed, and a statement from Norman Hill is also provided.
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