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"A book on Greek tragedy may be a work of historical scholarship or of literary criticism; this book professes to be a work of criticism. Criticism is of two kinds: the critic may tell the reader what he so beautifully thinks about it all, or he may…

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What is the true of Christian faith? Are the roots of this concept the same in both the Old and New Testaments? With semantic, historical, and analytic evidence, Kinneavy develops his hypothesis that the origin of some major aspects of the Christian…

This is the first major synthesis of Greek religion to appear for a generation. A clearly structured and readable survey for classical scholars and students, it will also be generally welcomed as the best modern account of any polytheistic religious…

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Combining the convenience of a dictionary with the depth of a history of philosophy, this new reference book fills a great need and should prove exceedingly useful to all students and scholars in classics, philosophy, theology and linguistics. The…

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"Drawing on the Greek and Lycian architecture and sculpture in the British Museum - a collection second to none in quality, quantity, and geographical and chronological range - this lavishly illustrated volume tells a remarkable story reaching from…
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