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During excavation work in 1955, a unique discovery of early Christian art was made in Rome. Below the city was a catacomb system containing a unique and previously unknown collection of paintings and decoration. This book tells of the discovery and…

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A systematic treatment of esotericism, including a historical survey of various esoteric currents with clear definitions of key terms, studies on several important figures, works, and movements in Western esotericism, and an extensive bibliography.

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Not only does this book present the current state of research in esotericism, but it also explores three main aspects of the field from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. Previously published in French and now available in English for the…

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This book provides a complete history of Islamic political thought from early Islam (c.622-661) to the present. This comprehensive overview describes and interprets all schools of Islamic political thought, their origins, inter-connections and…

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