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Demonstrators gathered at the Bank of America protesting its hiring policies.

Protesters congregating in front of the Bank of America in Downtown San Diego. One man holds a megaphone.

Protesters outside of the Bank of America in Downtown San Diego. One holds a sign which reads: "We save here, we want to work here."

Protesters outside of a Bank of America. One is yelling and there may have been some pushing.

A crowd of people protesting the Bank of America's hiring practices in Downtown San Diego.

A group of people at the Bank of America protest in Downtown San Diego. One man, wearing a KOGO News jacket, holds a camera.

Harold Brown speaking to a woman pointing left at the Bank of America protest in Downtown San Diego. A man in the foreground of the photograph is taking notes.

The second report produced by the California Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC) which presents information regarding Bank of America's progress towards equal employment opportunities.

Bound edition of the Fair Employment Practices Commission's (FEPC) first report regarding Bank of America's hiring practices. The report presents personnel data and provides an overview of policy implementation.
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