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Report regarding various projects conducted throughout the South in 1964, particularly different types of programming and their effectiveness.

Message from Robert Gore regarding three Freedom Centers in Chicago. He recommends that the nation Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) office "maintain closer contact with the Chicago project" to mitigate problems in the future.

Memorandum from James McCain regarding the Director of the Organization Department's responsibilities. A summary of Bob Gore's activities is also included.

Memorandum from George Wiley regarding the recent workshop for the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) southern staff. Topics discussed include fiscal control, community organization, and the Mississippi Summer Project.

Memorandum from the Southern Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) regarding unsolved murders in the South. In particular, the inadequacies justice system and the lack of intervention by the federal government are listed as…

Message from Stanley Sterling, with the organization Social Workers for Civil Rights Action, regarding the group's policies and goals for assisting the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

Memorandum from George Wiley listing items recently mailed to all Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters. Items are grouped and include: organizational reports, meeting minutes and papers, and Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party materials.

Memorandum from Eric Mann regarding discriminatory unions, in particular "the Trailways situation."

Memorandum from Carl Rachlin providing information about the legal department of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). He lists the department's recent and future activities.

Memorandum from Benjamin Brown, with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Southern Education Project, to summarize the project's progress.
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