Memorandum from Edwin Day, the Business Manager of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), regarding the reorganization and renovation of its national office in New York City.
Memorandum from George Wiley about the recent reorganization of the National Action Council (NAC). He attaches a diagram and two job postings: for Fund Raising Department Head and Public Relations Director.
Message from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Director regarding the elections of 1964. He addresses victories and defeats and he encourages chapters to formulate legislative plans for the future.
William Higgs, the attorney for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, writes to urge Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters to oppose the nomination of J. P. Coleman for a circuit court judgeship.
The Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE) Director of Organization, James McCain, writes to all chapters requesting that they submit a survey and questionnaire about local schools.