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Harold Brown speaking into a megaphone at a Bank of America protest. Demonstrators behind him hold signs which include: "Stop the killing of patriots in America" and "Discrimination, no, jobs, yes."

Six men stand in a line on the sidewalk in front of a building.

Harold Brown speaks into a megaphone at a protest in Downtown San Diego.

Harold Brown marching with protesters in Downtown San Diego. Signs include: "Just where does the Union-Tribune stand on Civil Rights?," "Uninformed citizens make bad citizens," and "Uncle Sam is in Vietnam, why not in Mississippi?"

Harold Brown speaks into a megaphone amidst protesters at a Downtown San Diego Bank of America. Signs include: "Does San Diego need Jim Crow?" and "Jobs, house and human dignity for all."

Harold Brown speaking at a protest at a Bank of America in Downtown San Diego. Protesters with signs stand behind him. Some signs read: "Students have no 'interest' in hate" and "? Negro tellers."

Man holding an unintelligible sign in front of the Bank of America in Downtown San Diego.

Crowd amassed outside of Farley's drug store, across the street from the Bank of America, on Broadway in Downtown San Diego.

Portrait of Harold Brown, cut out from its background.

Protesters sitting on Broadway in front of the Bank of America.
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