Jewish & Christian Mysticism: An Introduction
Dublin Core
Jewish & Christian Mysticism: An Introduction
Mysticism -- Judaism -- History
Mysticism -- History
Mysticism -- History
Dan Cohn-Sherbok
New York : Continuum
Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok
Table Of Contents
1. Mysticism in the Early Rabbinic Period. Philo, Metatron and Wisdom. Divine Presence. Merkavah Mysticism. The Heavenly Halls. Creation Mysticism -- 2. Medieval Jewish Mysticism. Hasidei Ashkenaz. The Emergence of Kabbalah. God and Creation. The Problem of Evil. The Mystic Way -- 3. Post-Medieval Jewish Mysticism. Abraham of Granada, Joseph Caro and Moses Cordovero. Lurianic Kabbalah. Hayyim Vital. The Shabbatean Movement. Moses Hayyim Luzzatto -- 4. Early Modern Jewish Mystics. The Baal Shem Tov. The Mystics of Bet El. The Vilna Gaon. Alexander Susskind of Grodno. Hasidic Mystics -- 5. Modern Jewish Mystics. Kalonymous Kalman Epstein of Cracow. Dov Baer of Mazhrich and Habad Mysticism. Isaac Judah Jahiel Safrin. Aaron Roth. Abraham Isaac Kook -- 6. Early Christian Mysticism. Origen. The Desert Fathers. Evagrius Ponticus and John Cassian. Augustine and Gregory of Nyssa. Pseudo-Dionysius and Maximus Confessor -- 7. Medieval Christian Mysticism.
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Dan Cohn-Sherbok , “Jewish & Christian Mysticism: An Introduction,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 8, 2025,