Gnosis and Hermeticism: From Antiquity to Modern Times

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Gnosis and Hermeticism: From Antiquity to Modern Times




Albany : State University of New York Press


edited by Roelof van den Broek and Wouter J. Hanegraaff


Series: SUNY series in Western esoteric traditions.

Table Of Contents

Gnosticism and hermetism in antiquity: two roads to salvation / Roelof van den Broek. -- Gnostic and hermetic ethics / Jean-Pierre Mahé. -- Manichaeism: its sources and influences on western Christianity / Johannes van Oort. -- A Christian Gnostic text: the 'Gospel of Truth' / Jan Helderman. -- The 'Asclepius': from the Hermetic Lodge in Alexandria to the Greek eucharist and the Roman mass / Gilles Quispel. -- A reading of the 'Discourse on the Ogdoad and the Ennead' (Nag Hammadi Codex VI. 6) / Jean-Pierre Mahé. -- The Cathars: medieval Gnostics? / Roelof van den Broek. -- Renaissance hermeticism and the concept of western esotericism / Antoine Faivre. -- Francesco Patrizi's hermetic philosophy / Cees Leijenhorst. -- Spiritual alchemy: interpreting representative texts and images / Karen-Claire Voss. -- Music and the hermetic tradition / Joscelyn Godwin. -- Hermeticism in early Rosicrucianism / Roland Edighoffer. -- Christian theosophic literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Arthur Versluis.

Romanticism and the esoteric connection / Wouter J. Hanegraaff. -- William Blake and his Gnostic myths / Jos van Meurs. -- Western esoteric schools in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / Daniël van Egmond. -- Stockhausen's 'Donnerstag aus Licht' and Gnosticism / Joscelyn Godwin. -- The New Age Movement and the esoteric tradition / Wouter J. Hanegraaff.

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“Gnosis and Hermeticism: From Antiquity to Modern Times,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 10, 2025,