The Zohar: [Sefer ha-Zohar]
Dublin Core
The Zohar: [Sefer ha-Zohar]
Cabala -- Early works to 1800
Bible. Pentateuch -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800
Bible. Pentateuch -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800
The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the book, giving a comprehensive annotation that offers background and explanations of the text, both his own and those of other scholars.
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press
Translation and commentary by Daniel C. Matt
12 volumes : illustrations ; 26 cm. ; vol. 4
Alternative Title
The Zohar = ספר הזהר /
Table Of Contents
1. Parashat Be-reshit-Parashat Noaḥ -- 2. Parashat Lekh lekha-Parashat Ṿa-yetse -- 3. Parashat Ṿa-yishlaḥ-Parashat Ṿa-yeḥi -- 4. Parashat Shemot-Parashat Yitro -- 5. Parashat Mishpatim-Sifre di-tseniʼuta -- 6. Parashat Tetsaṿeh-Parashat Peḳude -- 7. Parashat Ṿa-yiḳra-Parashat Aḥare mot -- 8. Parashat Ḳedoshim-Parashat Be-haʻalotekha -- 9. Parashat Shelaḥ lekha-Parashat Haʼazinu -- 10. Midrash ha-neʼlam: Parashat Be-reshit-Parashat Ki Tetse / translation and commentary by Nathan Wolski; Daniel C. Matt, general editor -- 11. Midrash ha-neʼlam: Shir ha-shirim, Rut, Eikhah. Zohar al Shir ha-shirim. Matnitin. Toseft. Sitrei Torah / translation and commentary by Joel Hecker ; Daniel C. Matt, general editor -- 12. Heikhalot Be-reshit. Heikhalot pequdei. Piqqudin. Raza de-razin. Sitrei Otiyot. Qav ha-middah. Merkevet Yeḥezqel. Zohar al ha-parashot. Passages (mis)labeled as Tosefta / translation and commentary by Nathan Wolski and Joel Hecker ; Daniel C. Matt, general editor.
Text Item Type Metadata
Original Format
“The Zohar: [Sefer ha-Zohar],” Humanities Hub, accessed March 4, 2025,