History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages

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History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages


Etienne Gilson


New York : Random House

Table Of Contents

pt 1: The Greek Apologists: Chapter I: The Greek Apologists: Aristides and Aquadratus -- Justin Martyr -- Tatian -- Athenagoras -- Theophilus of Antioch -- Irenaeus -- Hippolytus -- pt 2: Early Cchristian speculation: Chapter I: The Alexandrines: Clement of Alexandria -- Origen -- Chapter II: The Latin Apologists: Tertullian -- Minucious Felix -- Arnobius -- Chapter III: The Cappadocians: Gregory Nazianzenus -- Basil the Great -- Gregory of Nyssa -- Nemesius -- pt3: From Augustine to Boethius: Chapter I: Victorinus and Augustine: Marius Victorinus -- Augustine -- Chapter II: End of the Greek Patristic Age: Denis the Areopagite -- Maximus of Chrysopolis -- Johannes Philoponus -- John Damascene -- The platonism of the fathers -- Chapter III: End of the Latin Patristic Age: Faustus of Riez -- Claudianus Mamertus -- Boethius -- From Cassiodorus to Gregory the Great -- pt 4: From Scotus Erigena to Saint Bernard: Chapter I: Johannes Scotus Erigena: Faith and reason -- Nature and its division -- The divine ideas -- Creation and revelation -- Creation and illumination -- The hierarchy of beings -- The return to God -- Chapter II: Saint Anselm of Canterbury: Reason and faith -- The existence of God in the Monologium -- The proof of the Proslogion -- Attributes of God and creation -- Knowledge and will -- Chapter III: Platonism in the twelfth century: Gilbert of La Porree -- Thierry of Chartres -- Clarenbaud of Arras -- John of Salisbury -- Chapter IV: Peter Abelard: Logic -- Ethics -- Theology -- Chapter V: Speculative mysticism: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux -- William of Saint Thierry -- Isaac of Stella -- Alcher of Clairvaux -- Victorines -- Chapter VI: Alan of Lille: Maxims of theology -- Christian notion of nature -- Art of Catholic faith -- pt 5: Arabian and Jewish philosophy: Chapter I: Arabian philosophy: Alkindi and Alfarabi -- Avicenna -- Averroes -- Chapter II: Jewish philosophy: -- Solomon Ibn Gabirol -- Moses Maimonides -- pt 6: Early scholasticism: Chapter I: Greco-Arabian influences: Translations -- Liber de Causis -- Dominic Gundisalvi -- De fluxu entis -- Amaury of Bene -- David of Dinant -- Theological syncretism -- Pontifical decrees concerning Aristotle -- Chapter II: Universities and scholasticism: Organization and teaching methods -- Beginning of universities -- Chapter III: Early thirteenth-century theologians: Paris -- Oxford -- pt 7: Theology and learning: Chapter I: Albert the Great: Albert and secular learning -- The four co-evals -- Man -- God -- Chapter II: Roger Bacon: The philosopher -- The reformer -- Chapter III: Middle thirteenth-century logicians: Speculative grammar -- Theology and logic -- Program for examinations -- William of Sherwood and Lambert of Auxerre -- Peter of Spain -- pt 8: The golden age of scholasticism: Chapter I: The Franciscan School: Alexander of Hales and John of La Rochelle -- Bonaventure and his school -- Eustachius of Arras -- Walter of Bruges -- Matthew of Aquasparta -- Bartholomew of Bologna -- Roger Marston -- Peter Olieu -- Vital du Four -- Richard of Mediavilla -- William of Ware -- Ramon Lull -- Chapter II: Scholastic theologians in England: Robert Kilwardby -- John Peckham -- Chapter III: Thomas Aquinas: The Thomistic reformation -- Theology and philosophy -- God -- Creation -- Man -- The end of man -- Thomism at the crossways -- pt 9: The Condemnation of 1277: Chapter I: Latin averrosim: Siger of Brabant -- Boetius of Sweden -- Chapter II: The theological reaction: Bonaventure -- Etienne Tempier in 1270 -- Etienne Tempier in 1277 -- Condemned propositions -- Importance of the condemnation -- Chapter III: Philosophical controversies: The Correctives -- The plurality of forms -- Existence and essence -- pt 10: Fourteenth-century scholasticism: Chapter I: Albertists and neo-platonists: Dietrich of Vrieberg -- Master Eckhart -- Tauler and Ruysbroeck -- Chapter II: The Second Augustinian School: Henry of Ghent -- John Duns Scotus and his school -- Chapter III: Distintegration of scholastic theology: Durand of Saint-Pourcain -- Peter Auriol -- Henry of Harclay -- The Carmelite group -- pt 11: The modern way: Chapter I: William of Ockham: Intuition and abstraction -- Signs -- Supposition and signification -- Intellection -- Being and cause -- The spirit of Ockhamism -- Chapter II: Nominalism: Wodham, Holkot, Rimini -- John of Mirecourt -- Nicholas of Autrecourt -- John Buridan -- Albert of Saxony and Oresme -- Extension of the Parisian school -- Chapter III: THE second averroism: John of Jandun -- Marsilius of Padua -- Chapter IV: Journey's end: John Gerson -- Nicholas of Cues -- Greek philosophy and Christianity.

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Etienne Gilson, “History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages,” Humanities Hub, accessed January 22, 2025, https://humanitieshub.sdsu.edu/omeka/items/show/1452.