Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition

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Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition


An introduction to mystical and esoteric Christianity for the general reader, this book takes an in-depth look at the deeper, symbolic meanings behind the central concepts and practices of the Christian tradition including prayer, love, evil, forgiveness and salvation.


Richard Smoley

Table Of Contents

Acknowledgments -- Introduction (starting p. 1) -- 1 Threads of a Hidden Teaching (starting p. 13) -- 2 The World and the Fall (starting p. 49) -- 3 Salvation and Gnosis (starting p. 66) -- 4 The Second Birth (starting p. 81) -- 5 Cosmology (starting p. 99) -- 6 The Gospels and the Work of Christ (starting p. 120) -- 7 The Feminine Face of God (starting p. 137) -- 8 Spiritual Practices (starting p. 155) -- 9 Love, Evil, and Forgiveness (starting p. 174) -- 10 Symbols and Sacraments (starting p. 195) -- 11 The Secret Church (starting p. 226) -- Afterword: Continuing the Journey (starting p. 241) -- Notes (starting p. 249) -- Selected Bibliography (starting p. 265) -- Index (starting p. 279)

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Richard Smoley , “Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition,” Humanities Hub, accessed September 16, 2024,