Egypt's Sunken Treasures
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Egypt's Sunken Treasures
In the shallow waters of Aboukir Bay, in the ruins of three ancient cities, French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio discovered a number of relics. With this book, he presents photographs of the excavation process as well as connecting the artefacts found to Helen of Troy, Cleopatra and Mark Antony.
Edited by Franck Goddio with David Fabre ; photography of the artefacts by Christoph Gerigk
Table Of Contents
1. The region and its history -- Rediscovered sites -- The history of Alexandria and the surrounding region -- 2. Religion and cults -- Myths and legends -- A jar bringing hope for eternal life : the Osiris-Canopus -- Back together after decades apart : Isis and Harpokrates -- As grey as the fertile riverbed : Father Nile -- From astronomical observation to mythology and astrology : Naos of the decades -- Gods, Goddesses and Pharaonic royalty -- Colossal and fertile : Hapy, the inundation of the Nile -- Over life-sized : a Ptolemaic ruling couple -- A beauty from the depths : the Dark Queen --- As beautiful as Aphrodite : a Ptolemaic Queen -- Underlining the good deeds of a ruler : the stele of Ptolemy VIII -- Cults and rituals -- Gold for the house of the gods : Ptolemy III Foundation plaque -- The fear of a forbidden contact : priest with Osiris-Canopus -- A guarantor for fertility : Sarapis and Calathos -- Monasteries and workshops -- Witness of the Islamic presence : coins -- 3. Cities, ports and palaces -- Heracleion-Thonis : customs station and emporium -- Let it be recognizable to all : Athena's decorative helmet crest -- An extraordinary pair of twins : the steles of the Pharaoh Nectanebo I -- Excursus : Alexandria, the worlds trading post -- Excursus : the coins -- Daily life in the Canopic Region -- The scent of gods : an incense burner -- Excursus : the metal finds from Heracleion-Thonis -- Excursus : Egyptian metalwork -- The Portus Magnus of Alexandria -- The good spirit watching over city and county : the Agathodaemon -- 4. From excavation to exhibition -- Restoration and conservation -- 5. Catalogue -- Canopus -- Heracleion -- Alexandria -- 6. Appendices -- Chronology -- Gods and goddesses -- Glossary -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Contributors -- Lenders -- Acknowledgments -- Exhibition -- Catalogue -- Imprint.
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“Egypt's Sunken Treasures,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 10, 2025,