Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century
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Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century
Toronto : Published by the University of Toronto Press in association with the Medieval Academy of America
Edited by Robert L. Benson and Giles Constable, with Carol D. Lanham
Series: Medieval Academy reprints for teaching ; 26.
Table Of Contents
Terms and ideas of renewal / Gerharat B. Ladner -- I. Religion: Renewal and reform in religious life: concepts and realities / Giles Constable -- The renewal of theology / Jean Leclercq -- The reform of the liturgy from a renaissance perspective / Chrysogonus Waddell -- II. Education: The schools of Paris and the school of Chartes / R.W. Southern -- Masters at Paris from 1179 to 1215: a social perspective / John W. Baldlwin -- Commentary and hermeneutics / Nikollaus M. Haring -- 'Statim invenire': schools, preachers and new attitudes to the page / Richard H. Rouse & Mary A. Rouse -- III. Society and the individual: Urban society and culture: Toulouse and its region / John Hine Mundy -- The culture of the knightly class: audience and patronage / Georges Duby -- Consciousness of self and perceptions of individuality / John F. Benton -- IV. Law, politics and history: The revival of jurisprudence ./ Stephan Kuttner -- Institutional foundations of the new jurisprudence / Knut Wolfgang Norr -- Political 'renovatio': two models from Roman antiquity / Robert L. Benson -- 'Res gestae', universal history apocalypse: visions of past and future / Peter Classen -- V. Philosophy and science: Translations and translators / Marie-Therese d'Alverny -- The transformation of the quadrivium / Guy Beaujouan -- The culmination of the old logic in Peter Abelard / Norman Kretzmann -- Platonism -- Neoplatonism -- Aristotelianism: a twelfth-century meta- physical system and its sources / Stephen Gersh -- VI. Literature: Classicism and style in Latin literature / Janet Martin -- Profane elements in literature / Peter Dronke -- The rise of literary fiction / Per Nykrog -- VII. The arts: The new fascination with ancient Rome / Herbert Bloch -- The arts as aspects of a Renaissance: Rome and Italy / Ernst Kitzinger -- Architecture and the figurative arts: the north / Williblad Sauerlander -- Survival, revival, transformation: the dialectic of development in architecture and other arts / Walter Horn.
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“Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 7, 2025,