On the Possibility of Jewish Mysticism in Our Time & Other Essays

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On the Possibility of Jewish Mysticism in Our Time & Other Essays


Gershom Scholem


Edited and selected with an introduction by Avraham Shapira ; translated by Jonathan Chipman

Table Of Contents

Acknowledgments -- Editor's Acknowledgments -- Translator's Introduction -- Introduction: The Dialectics of Continuity and Revolt / Avraham Shapira -- Pt. 1 Scholem's Personal Relationship to the Study of Mysticism (starting p. 1) -- 1 A Candid Letter About My True Intentions of Studying Kabbalah (starting p. 3) -- 2 Reflections on the Possibility of Jewish Mysticism in Our Time (starting p. 6) -- 3 My Way to Kabbalah (starting p. 20) -- Pt. 2 Zionism as Spiritual and Cultural Identity (starting p. 25) -- 4 Thoughts About Our Language (starting p. 27) -- 5 Exile Today Is Devoid of the Seeds of Redemption (starting p. 30) -- 6 A Lecture About Israel (starting p. 35) -- 7 Our Historical Debt to Russian Jewry (starting p. 40) -- 8 Understanding the Internal Processes (starting p. 45) -- Pt. 3 The Existential Situation in Jewish Culture Today (starting p. 49) -- 9 Reflections on Modern Jewish Studies (starting p. 51) -- 10 A New Spiritual Perspective on the Exegesis of Primary Sources (starting p. 72) -- 11 What Others Rejected: Kabbalah and Historical Criticism (starting p. 75) -- 12 On Education for Judaism (starting p. 80) -- 13 Who Is a Jew? (starting p. 93) -- 14 Secularism and Its "Dialectical Transformation" (starting p. 100) -- 15 Messianism -- A Never-Ending Quest (starting p. 102) -- 16 What Is Judaism? (starting p. 114) -- Pt. 4 Judaism Through the Ages (starting p. 119) -- 17 The Historical Development of Jewish Mysticism (starting p. 121) -- 18 Memory and Utopia in Jewish History (starting p. 155) -- 19 The People of the Book (starting p. 167) -- 20 Three Types of Jewish Piety (starting p. 176) -- Pt. 5 Reflections on His Contemporaries (starting p. 191) -- 21 On Kafka's The Trial (starting p. 193) -- 22 With a Copy of Kafka's The Trial -- A Poem (starting p. 194) -- 23 Franz Rosenzweig and His Book The Star of Redemption (starting p. 197) -- 24 Does God Dwell in the Heart of an Antheist? (starting p. 216) -- Notes (starting p. 225) -- Glossary (starting p. 235) -- Index (starting p. 237)

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Gershom Scholem, “On the Possibility of Jewish Mysticism in Our Time & Other Essays,” Humanities Hub, accessed September 16, 2024, https://humanitieshub.sdsu.edu/omeka/items/show/1725.