The Spirit of Islam: a History of the Evolution and Ideals of Islam, with a life of the Prophet.
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The Spirit of Islam: a History of the Evolution and Ideals of Islam, with a life of the Prophet.
Syed Ameer Ali
London, Christophers
Table Of Contents
Part I: The life and ministry of the prophet -- I. Mohammed the prophet -- II. The Hegira -- III. The prophet at Medina -- IV. Hostility of the Koreish and the Jews -- V. The invasion of Medina -- VI. The prophet's clemency -- VII. The diffusion of the faith -- VIII. The year of deputations -- IX. Fulfillment of the prophet's work -- X. The apostolical succession -- Part II: The spirit of Islam -- I. The ideal of Islam -- II. The religious spirit of Islam -- III. The idea of future life in Islam -- IV. The church militant of Islam -- V. The status of women in Islam -- VI. Bondage in Islam -- VII. The political spirit of Islam -- VIII. The political divisions and schisms of Islam -- IX. The literary and scientific spirit of Islam -- X. The rationalistic and philosophical spirit of Islam -- XI. Idealistic and mystical spirit in Islam.
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Syed Ameer Ali, “The Spirit of Islam: a History of the Evolution and Ideals of Islam, with a life of the Prophet.,” Humanities Hub, accessed January 2, 2025,