The Other in the Light of the One: the University of the Qur'ān and interfaith dialogue
Dublin Core
The Other in the Light of the One: the University of the Qur'ān and interfaith dialogue
Reza Shah-Kazemi
Cambridge England : Islamic Texts Society
Table Of Contents
Introduction: Interfaith Dialogue, The Contemporary Context -- The Hermeneutics of Suspicion or of Sufism? -- Sufism in Context -- Traditional Exegesis versus Postmodern Hermeneutics -- Ibn 'Arabi: From Ontology to Hermeneutics -- The Reality of the One and Dialogue with the Other -- The One in the Many, the Many in the One -- Self-Disclosure and Human Diversity -- Self-Effacement and the Face of God -- Islam: Quintessential and Universal Submission -- The Religion of God -- The Vanity of Chauvinism -- Particularism within Universalism -- Dialogue, Diatribe, or Da'wa? -- From Theological Exclusivism to Metaphysical Inclusivism -- Universalism: A Form of Da'wa? -- Nasr's Universalism vs Hick's Pluralism -- Beautiful Discourse -- Index to Qur'anic Quotations.
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Original Format
Reza Shah-Kazemi, “The Other in the Light of the One: the University of the Qur'ān and interfaith dialogue,” Humanities Hub, accessed January 23, 2025,