The Grail: a casebook
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The Grail: a casebook
New York : Garland
Edited with an introduction by Dhira B. Mahoney
Table Of Contents
Introduction and comparative table of medieval texts / Dhira B. Mahoney -- The quest for origins / Glenys Witchard Goetinck -- The central symbol of the legend : the Grail as vessel / Emma Jung and Marie-Louise Von Franz -- Perceval or Le conte du Graal / Jean Frappier, trans. Raymond Cormier -- Tout est par senefiance : Gerbert's Perceval / Sara Sturm-Maddox -- Punishment in the Perlesvaus : the theme of the waste land / Angus J. Kennedy -- A story of interpretations : the Queste del Saint Graal as metaliterature / Laurence N. de Looze -- Dying to get to Sarras : Perceval's sister and the Grail quest / Janina P. Traxler -- Failure in Arthurian romance / Elspeth Kennedy -- Seeing the Grail : prolegomena to a study of Grail imagery in Arthurian manuscripts / Alison Stones -- The symbolism of the Grail in Wolfram von Eschenbach / Friedrich Ranke -- The truest and holiest tale : Malory's transformation of La queste del Saint Graal / Dhira B. Mahoney -- Chivalric nationalism and the Holy Grail in John Hardyng's Chronicle / Felicity Riddy -- Scandals of faith and gender in Tennyson's Grail poems / Linda K. Hughes -- "Pure hearts and clean hands" : the Victorian and the Grail / Debra N. Mancoff -- From Logres to Carbonek : the Arthuriad of Charles Williams / Karl Heinz Gòˆller -- T.S. Eliot / Charles Moorman -- Walker Percy's Grail / J. Donald Crowley and Sue Mitchell Crowley -- The Grail in modern fiction : sacred symbol in a secular age / Raymond H. Thompson -- Hollywood's new Weston : the Grail myth in Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse now and John Boorman's Excalibur / Martin B. Shichtman -- Eric Rohmer and the Holy Grail / Linda Williams.
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“The Grail: a casebook,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 15, 2025,