The Silk Road: art and history
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The Silk Road: art and history
"This book is a detailed, illustrated exploration of the ancient trade routes between Europe and Asia. The author provides a comprehensive history of the Silk Road and examines many of the most celebrated works of art discovered in each country, setting them in their historical and geographical context. Drawing freely on anecdotes, and literary and historical sources, the author examines the lives of the merchants and other travellers who used the ancient routes and the ways in which their activities related to the works of art that were created. Vignettes and poems from the heyday of the great trading route punctuate a lively and colourful book, which also benefits from Antonia Tozer's exceptionally evocative photographs of landscapes, monuments and peoples."--Jacket.
Jonathan Tucker
London : Philip Wilson
Photographs by Antonia Tozer
Table Of Contents
Sect. I. Beginnings -- Ch. 1. Precursors of the Silk Road -- Ch. 2. Nomads -- Ch. 3. The Kushans -- Sect. II. China -- Ch. 4. The Introduction of Buddhism to China -- Ch. 5. Luoyang -- Ch. 6. Changan (Xian) -- Sect. III. The Silk Road Between Xian and Dunhuang -- Ch. 7. The Route West from Xian -- Sect. IV. The Silk Road Through China Beyond Dunhuang -- Ch. 8. The Northern Silk Road -- Ch. 9. The Southern Silk Road -- Sect. V. The Silk Road Between China and India -- Sect. VI. The Silk Road Through Central Asia -- Ch. 10. Silk Road sites in southern Central Asia -- Ch. 11. The Coming of Islam to Central Asia -- Ch. 12. The Mongols -- Ch. 13. Tamerlane (Timur) and the Timurids -- Ch. 14. Silk Road sites between Balkh and Nisa -- Ch. 15. The Route North from Merv to Khorezm -- Ch. 16. The Routes North from Iron Gate Pass -- Ch. 17. The Routes to the Northwest from Bukhara to Khorezm -- Ch. 18. Silk Road sites around Samarkand -- Ch. 19. The Silk Road between Samarkand and China -- Sect. VII. Persia and Beyond -- Ch. 20. Parthians and Sasanians -- Ch. 21. The main East-West Silk Road across Iran -- Ch. 22. The Ray-Tabriz Road -- Ch. 23. The Ray-Hamadan Road -- Ch. 24. The Silk Road through Iraq -- Ch. 25. Silk Road sites of Syria and Lebanon -- Ch. 26. The Silk Road through Turkey -- Ch. 27. All Roads Lead to Rome -- Ch. 28. The End of the Road: The Silk Road in decline.
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Original Format
Jonathan Tucker, “The Silk Road: art and history,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 17, 2025,