The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater

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The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater


Leadbeater, C. W. (Charles Webster), 1854-1934
Theosophists -- Australia -- Biography


Gregory Tillett


London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul




For more information about C.W. Leadbeater, click here.

Table Of Contents

The man and the myth -- A life of manifold adventures: mysterious beginnings -- The High Church curate: Anglicanism and psychic research -- Through spiritualism to Theosophy: spirit guides, Masters and Mr. Sinnett -- "A nice occultist': Madame Blavatsky startles the curate -- Buddhism in passing and Adyar at last -- The Masters and the path: the rising star -- The 'astral plane': the inner side of things -- Serious charges preferred: the fallen prophet -- A disciple reinstated: the prodigal returns -- Many candles in the sun: Krishnamurti and the new vision -- 'In the lives, in the lives ... ' in which everyone is reincarnated -- Eggs, English and exercises: the preparation of the vehicle -- The rising star: the emerging Arhat and a question of custody -- Masonry, the war and a new sub-race: preparation for the coming -- The priesthood recovered: Leadbeater and the liberal Catholic church -- 'Where Leadbeater bishes': the Sydney police investigate -- "Amid the stygian darkness' -- towards the sunrise -- A star sets suddenly: the abdication of the Messiah -- The elderly patriarch: the final years -- 'To those who mourn': the judgment after death.

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Gregory Tillett , “The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 12, 2025,