Helena Blavatsky
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Helena Blavatsky
"Today's Ideas of reincarnation, karma, and Tibetan wisdom owe much to Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), the foremother of New Age religion. Russian-born, she became a teenage runaway and traveled in search of ancient wisdom and mysterious cults throughout Egypt, the Middle East, and India. A gifted psychic, she flirted with American spiritualism before launching Theosophy, a new religion based on magic and the revelations of secret Mahatmas in Tibet, who offered divine guidance to humanity. The rapid expansion of the Theosophical Society in Europe and America spurred the popularity of Oriental religions and the modern occult revival. Helena Blavatsky became a legend in her own time and is as visible today as any modern guru. This volume of the Western Esoteric Masters Series offers a concise anthology of her extensive writings. An essay on her life and work is followed by readings and editorial commentary on such topics as Cosmology, Anthropology, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, the Vedas, and Buddhism. Book jacket."--Jacket.
Berkeley, Calif. : North Atlantic Books
edited and introduced by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
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“Helena Blavatsky,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 15, 2025, https://humanitieshub.sdsu.edu/omeka/items/show/429.