Islamic Spirituality: Foundations

Dublin Core


Islamic Spirituality: Foundations


edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr


Series: World spirituality ; v. 19.

Table Of Contents

pt. 1. The roots of the Islamic tradition and spirituality: The Quran as the foundation of Islamic spirituality / Seyyed Hossein Nasr -- The spiritual significance of the Quran / Allahbaksh K. Brohi -- Traditional esoteric commentaries on the Quran / Abdurrahman Habil -- The spiritual significance of the substance of the prophet / Frithjof Schuon -- The life, traditions, and sayings of the prophet: The life of the prophet / Jaʻfar Qasimi ; Sunnah and Hadīth / Seyyed Hossein Nasr -- The inner meaning of the Islamic rites: prayer, pilgrimage, fasting, jihād / Syed Ali Ashraf -- The spiritual dimension of prayer / Allahbaksh K. Brohi -- pt. 2. Aspects of the Islamic tradition: Sunnism / Abdur-Rahman Ibrahim Doi -- Twelve imam Shīʻism / Syed Husain M. Jafri -- Ismāʻīlism / Azim Nanji -- Female spirituality in Islam / Saadia Khawar Khan Chishti -- pt. 3. Sufism: the inner dimension of Islam: The nature and origin of Sufism / Abu Bakr Siraj Ed-Din -- The early development of Sufism / Victor Danner -- The spiritual practices of Sufism / Jean-Louis Michon -- Sufi science of the soul / Mohammad Ajmal -- pt. 4. Knowledge of reality: God / Seyyed Hossein Nasr -- The angels / Sachiko Murata -- The cosmos and the natural order / Seyyed Hossein Nasr -- Man / Charles le Gai Eaton -- Eschatology / William C. Chittick.

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“Islamic Spirituality: Foundations,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 4, 2025,