Plants of the Gods: Origins of Hallucinogenic Use

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Plants of the Gods: Origins of Hallucinogenic Use


Hallucinogenic plants
Hallucinogenic plants -- Utilization


The world's most renowned authorities on the botany and chemistry of hallucinogens have produced an exhaustive study of psychoactive flora. The properties of the plants and the use made of them by man are examined and detailed by botanist Richard Evans Schultes and chemist Albert Hofmann. Their text is accompanied by many illustrations, over a hundred of which are in color.


Richard Evans Schultes


New York : McGraw-Hill


Albert Hofmann


Series: A McGraw-Hill co-publication

Table Of Contents

Preface -- Introduction -- What Are Plant Hallucinogens? -- The Plant Kingdom -- Phytochemical Research on Sacred Plants -- Geography of Usage and Botanical Range -- Plant Lexicon -- Users of Hallucinogenic Plants -- Overview of Plant Use -- Fourteen Major Hallucinogenic Plants -- Mainstay of the Heavens: Amanita (Fly Agaric) -- The Hexing Herbs: Hyoscyamus (Henbane), Atropa (Deadly Nightshade), Mandragora (Mandrake) -- The Nectar of Delight: Cannabis (Hemp: Marihuana, Hashish) -- St. Anthony's Fire: Claviceps (Ergot) -- Holy Flower of the North Star: Datura (Dhatura; Thorn Apple; Toloache; Torna Loco) -- Guide to the Ancestors: Tabernanthe (Iboga) -- Beans of the Hekula Spirit: Anadenanthera (Yopo) -- Vine of the Soul: Banisteriopsis (Ayahuasca) -- Trees of the Evil Eagle: Brugmansia (Floripondio) -- The Tracks of the Little Deer: Lophophora (Peyote) -- Little Flowers of the Gods: Conocybe, Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Stropharia (Teonanacatl) -- Cactus of the Four Winds: Trichocereus (San Pedro) -- Vines of the Serpent: Turbina, Ipomoea (Morning Glory: Ololiuqui, Badoh Negro) -- Semen of the Sun: Virola (Epena) -- Chemical Structures of Hallucinogens -- Uses of Hallucinogens in Medicine -- Epilogue -- Further Reading -- Picture Credits -- Index.

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Richard Evans Schultes , “Plants of the Gods: Origins of Hallucinogenic Use,” Humanities Hub, accessed January 20, 2025,