An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia: From Zoroaster to 'Umar Khayyam

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An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia: From Zoroaster to 'Umar Khayyam


London: I.B. Tauris


Seyyed Hossein Nasr with Mehdi Aminrazavi, M.R. Jozi


volumes ; 25 cm. ; vol. 1

Table Of Contents

Volume 1. Early Persian philosophy : the Zoroastrian period -- Bundahišn / E.M. West -- Greater Bundahišn / R.C. Zaehner -- Dādistān-i Dīnīk / F. Max Müller -- Dīnā-i Maīnog-i Khirad / F. Max Müller -- Selected Readings -- Dēnkard VI / Sh. Shaked -- Early Islamic philosophy -- The peripatetics -- Abuʼl-ʻAbbās Muḥammad Īrānshahrī / M. Aminrazavi ; Zād al-musāfirīn ("Provisions for travellers") / M. Aminrazavi -- Abū Naṣr Fārābī / S.H. Nasr ; Kitāb al-burhān ("Paraphrase of Aristotle's Analytica posteriora") / M. Fakhry ; Kitāb al-jamʻbayn raʼyay al-ḥakīmayn, Aflāṭūn al-ilāhī wa Arisṭu ̄("Reconciliation of the opinions of the two sages, spritual Plato and Aristotle") / S. Inati ; Mabādiʼārāʼ ahl al-madīnat al-fāḍilah ("The perfect state") / R. Walzer -- Abuʼl Ḥasan ʻĀmirī / S.H. Nasr ; al-I ʻlam bi manāqib al-islām ("An exposition on the merits of Islam") ; al-Amad ʻalaʼl-abad ("On the soul and its fate") / E.K. Rowson -- Abū Sulaymān Sijistānī / M. Aminrazavi ; Muṣannafāt ("Philosophical treatises") / J.L. Kraemer -- Ibn Sīnā / S.H. Nasr ; Dānish nāma-yi ʻalāʼī ("Treatise on knowledge dedicated to Prince ʻAlāʼ al-Dawlah") / T. Gaskil ; al-Ishārāt waʼl-tanbīhāt ("Remarks and admonitions") Creation ex nihilo and immediate creation / Sh. Inati ; al-Shifāʼ ("The healing : on theodicy and Providence") / Sh. Inati ; al-Ishārāt waʼl-tanbīhāt ("Remarks and admonitions") On theodicy and Providence / Sh. Inati ; al-Shifāʼ ("The healing : on time") / Y. Shayegan ; Fī Maqāmāt al-ʻārifīn ("On the stations of the knowers") / Sh. Inati ; Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān ("Living son of the awake") / H. Corbin ; Manṭiq al-Mashraqiyyīn ("The logic of the orientals") / S.H. Nasr -- Abū ʻAlī Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Miskawayh / S.H. Nasr ; al-Ḥikmat al-khālidah or Jāwīdān-khirad ("Perennial philosophy") / A. Giese ; Tadhīb al-akhlāq ("The refinement of character") / C. Zurayk -- Bahmanyār ibn Marzbān / M. Aminrazavi ; Kitāb al-taḥṣīl ("The book of the exposition") / E.K. Rowson -- The independent philosophers -- Abū Bakr Muḥammad Zakariyyāʼ Rāzī / S.H. Nasr ; al-Ṭibb al-rūhānī ("Spiritual physick") ; al-Sīrat al-falsafiyyah ("On the philosophical life") / A.J. Arberry -- Abū Rayḥān Bīrūnī / S.H. Nasr ; Taḥqīq mā liʼl-hind ("India") / E.C. Sachau ; al-Asʼilah waʼl-ajwibah ("Questions and answers") / S.H. Nasr -- ʻUmar Khayyām / M. Aminrazavi ; Ḍarūrat al-taḍādd fiʼl-ʻālam waʼl-jabr waʼl-baqāʼ ("The necessity of contradiction, free will, and determinism") ; Kulliyyāt-i wujūd ("Universals of existence") / M.W. Rahman.

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“An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia: From Zoroaster to 'Umar Khayyam,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 9, 2025,