A History of Islamic Philosophy
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A History of Islamic Philosophy
Islamic philosophy -- History
The author discusses "the legalism, rationalism, and mysticism of Islamic thought and its impact on the cultural aspects of Muslim life."--Cover.
Majid Fakhry
New York : Columbia University Press : Longman
Series: Studies in Oriental culture ; no. 5.
Table Of Contents
Introduction -- Chapter One. The Legacy oj Greece, Alexandria, alld the Orient: Introduction: The Near Eastern Scene in the Seventh Century -- The Translations of Philosophical Texts -- Neo-Platonic Elcmen ts: The Apocryphal Theologia -- Aristolelis and the Liber de Causis -- Persian and Indian Influences -- Chapler Two. Early PoWical and Religious Tensions: The Rcligio-Political Factions -- The Rise of Islamic Scholasticism (Kalam) -- Chapter Three. Beginnings Systematic Philosophical Wriling in the Ninth Century: The First Creative Philosophical Writer in Islam: AI-Kindi -- The Rise of Naturalism and the Challenge to Islamic Dogma: Ibn AI-Rawandl and AI-Razi -- Chapter Four. The Further Development of Islamic Neo-Platonism: Al-Farabi -- Ibn Sina -- Chapter Five. Neo-Pythagoreanism and the Popularization of the Philosophical Sciences: Philosophy, the Handmaid of Politics -- The Mathematico-Philosophical Presuppositions of the Brethren -- The Cosmology and Metaphysics of the Brethren -- The Psychology and the Epistemology of the Brethren -- Conclusion -- Chapter Six. The Diffusion of Philosophical Culture in the Tenth Century: Abu Hayyan AI-Tauhidi -- Miskawayh -- Yahia b. 'Adi -- Chapter Seven. The Interaction of Philosophy, and Dogma: The Eclipse of Theological Rationalism -- The Ash'arite School and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and Accidents -- The Systematic Refutation of co-Platonism: AI-Ghazali -- Chapter Eight. The Rise and Development of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism): Ascetic Origins -- Pantheistic Tendencies: AI-Bastami (or AI-Bistami), -- AI-Hallaj, and others -- Synthesis and Systematization -- AI-Ghazali and Ibn 'Arabi -- Chapter Nine. The Arab-Spanish Interlude and the Revival of Peripateticism: Beginnings of Philosophical Speculation in Muslim Spain: Ibn Masarrah, AI-l\hjrl\l, and Ibn Baijah -- Ibn Tufayl and the natural Progression of the Mind Toward Truth -- Ibn Rushd and the Defense of Aristotelianism -- Chapter Ten. Post-Avicennian Developments: Illumination and the Reaction against Peripateticism: AI-Suhrawardi -- The Subsequent Development of Illuminationism: Sadr AI-Din AI-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) and his Successors -- Chapter Eleven. Theological Reaction and Reconstruction: Literalism and Neo-Hanbalism: Ibn Hazm, Ibn Taymiyah, and Muhammad B. 'Abdul-Wahhab -- Moderation and Decline: F.D. AI-Razi, N.D. AI-Nasafi, AI-Iji, AI-Jurjani, and AI-Bajuri -- Reaction and Reconstruction: Ibn Khaldun -- Chapter Twelve . Modern and Contemporary Trends: The Emergence of the Modernist Spirit: J.D. AI-Afghani Muhammad 'Abdu -- Modernism in India: Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Ameer Ali, and Muhammad Iqbal -- The Contemporary Philosophical Scene: Fundamenlalism, Modernism, and Existentialism -- Other Recent Developments: Positivism and Socialism.
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Majid Fakhry , “A History of Islamic Philosophy,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 6, 2025, https://humanitieshub.sdsu.edu/omeka/items/show/996.