"The subject of Mystical Languages of Unsaying is an important but neglected mode of mystical discourse, apophasis. which literally means "speaking away." Sometimes translated as "negative theology," apophatic discourse embraces the impossibility of…
"No Longer Jews asks and answers the questions Where, When, and How did Gnosticism arise? Carl Smith starts by providing definitions of Gnosticism. He discusses anticosmic dualism between material and spiritual and between the highest God and the…
"This is the first full account of the lost gospel of Jesus' original followers, revealing him to be a Jewish Socrates who was mythologized into the New Testament Christ. Compiled by his followers during his lifetime, the Book of Q (from Quelle,…
The author places Gnosticism in its historical context and describes its manifold relationships to Judaism, early Christianity, and ancient Platonism, with special emphasis on the impact of Gnosticism on early Egyptian Christianity up to the seventh…