Was Jesus of Nazareth a real historical person or a fictional character in a religious legend? What do the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal about the origins of Christianity? Has there been a conspiracy to suppress information in the Scrolls that contradicts…
Nefertari, the favorite queen of Ramses II, was buried about 3200 years ago in the most exquisitely decorated tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Queens. Discovered in 1904, the tomb had deteriorated to a disastrous extent when emergency consolidation…
A study of the life and work of the 9th-century Irish scholar Johannes Scottus Eriugena. It includes an extended summary of his most important work, 'Periphyseon', a remarkable attempt at a synthesis between the Bible and Neoplatonist philosophy.
"Of all the ancient peoples, the Egyptians are perhaps best known for the fascinating ways in which they grappled with the mysteries of death and the afterlife. This book draws on the British Museum's collection of mummies and other funerary evidence…