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"Incorporating the latest archaeological information from Iran, the author paints an incisive portrait of Persia's role in Old Testament history. He analyzes the peoples who constituted the old Persian confederation as well as the important cities…

Iranian (Persian) art from the 13th century through the end of the 18th century.

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After Harold Brown's arrest for trespassing and willful violation of a temporary restraining order at the Bank of America demonstrations of summer 1964, members of the community petitioned to each serve a day of his jail time. The community…

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The ruins of Petra, the ancient Nabatean capital in today's Jordan, constitute one of the most extraordinary and fascinating monumental complexes of the ancient world for the outstanding quality of the architecture and for the city's remarkable…


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Few figures in history evoke the curiosity or command the attention that Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Tutankhamen do. Pharaoh Akhenaten founded the city of Amarna 3,500 years ago. In this volume the fascinating Amarna Period of ancient Egypt comes to…

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